
128 Movie Reviews

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11 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

I was a little concerned at first...

The movie threatened to be a little too "sensitive" when I started watching it, but then I got the joke. Alot of implied humor. It was actually pretty damn funny. Your art is well executed and the flash is good.

Continuing a pedigree of excellence...

Still making great, well illustrated Flash. The squirrel is priceless. So when is she gonna TAKE IT OFF?????


I've been depressed lately about the quality of alot of submissions to NG. This movie is an example of what restored my faith in GOOD submissions. THank you.

I would hardly call this 'your' movie, roy

You inserted a pic of some pudgy bastard in a commercial. Sure this takes some skill. But why even submit it? It's not even funny. It's annoying. Take your skills and make something original.

Too bad

I really like Red Dwarf, which provided the video clip for your movie. Only thing is, that IS your movie. I don't know whose head that is superimposed on Rimmer's body, or why this should be funny. Really I am giving you a 1 for the movie, and 3 more points because at least you have the class to watch Red Dwarf.


Some may find this movie offensive. I didn't because the stereotypes are SO obvious. It was funny as motherfucking hell. Technically speaking, some of the best artwork and Flashwork I have seen here. The animation was smooth and well executed. The sound was great, though a little rough in a few places. I'd like to see more of this caliber of work being put on NG.


The Cartoon Network will never be the same again!

Quite a piece of work

Your animal animations were exceptional. The story overall was amusing. Two nitpicking details: 1) you left the landing gear deployed on the fighter jet; it should be fully retracted in flight; and 2) the opinion of most experts in the field now is that dinosaurs were warm blooded and not "reptiles". Overall a very good submission. I hope you present more in the future.

I don't get it

But it is still probably the best Flash animation I have ever seen here.

Flash wasn't great

The 3-d animation was interesting. I know a bunch of anarchists, so I've heard this nonsense before. One day you will have a tennis ball duct taped in your mouth, tied up in the sleeper cab of a long haul truck, and a demented truck driver will be torturing and anally raping you over days, maybe weeks. At that time you will welcome the appearence of a cop to save your sorry ass. Basically you are a pussy piece of shit, you harass cops instead of going after their bosses, who are the real perpetrators. You have no concept of how dangerous a cop's job is, so you make a nuisance out of yourself and make his day worse also. You are a worthless cunt. Keep working on your flash, though, you may improve at least in that area.
P.S. I had a good laugh when the guy got beaten up. See how you feel when some equally retarded asshole runs up to you and yells "fuck you" in your face.

James-Ball responds:

"You are a worthless cunt. "i LIKE CUNT :)

ooh i've been on this site waaaaaay too long.


n'er do well

hard knocks

cybernetic illusion

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