i think i get it
a person is faced with choices and made to adopt an identity based on what our culture imposes on us. the person in the movie has decided to become either confused or questioning, instead of adopting the choices forced upon him.
i think i get it
a person is faced with choices and made to adopt an identity based on what our culture imposes on us. the person in the movie has decided to become either confused or questioning, instead of adopting the choices forced upon him.
very good. im glad to see you got something out of this. it's nice to see that you can walk away learning something like that. oh by the way, does your name come from ac/dc? i love that cd! they fucking rock! saw em a few years ago best show ever! n e ways thanks for your review. take care.
that was freakin hysterical
i was laughing my ass off. make a sequel you demented freak.
:D I seem to have two categories of people who watch The Hills Have Eyes-- those that find it freaky and those that find it scary. Obviously you fall into the former category, thanks for the review. A sequel will be coming eventually.
no shit
that has to be one of the funniest flash movies i have ever seen on ng.
catchy song
looks like tricky the clown emigrated to france! vive la france!!!
not a bad idea...
using a newscast to recount the events of beowulf...too bad the sound was so bad.
why did you bring back the zimmer frame lady? why? it's so over now. do something real. for god sake's man, that is just fucking annoying now.
freakin kewl
that's one of the best flashes i have ever seen on ng. keep it coming.
very nice
crisp clear graphics, accurate equipment...a counter terrorist wet dream
do a longer one
ooh i've been on this site waaaaaay too long.
n'er do well
hard knocks
cybernetic illusion
Joined on 10/5/02